What Options & Choices Do You Have Contracting a Tree Removal Service?

Having a Tree Removal Service company at hand carries many benefits. As a result, many choices are available to you with utilizing the services at hand. But what choices and options do you have?


There are many and here are a handful of options that are appealing to you as a property or homeowner. Contacting a contracted tree service, your Tree Removal Service company, to have that direct conversation to ensure they do offer these services listed below.


  1. Firewood: As we know with the summer months, bonfires and camping are a great way to explore and benefit the vast beauty Michigan offers. Having your Tree Removal Service cut and stack the wood is a great way to be fully stocked all year-round. With tree removal you get firewood.
  2. Woodchips: If you have farm animals, trails or around your flowerbeds, the natural woodchips that are created by the woodchipper can save you money. Don’t forget it can help spice up your home with a natural look and create a clean fresh landscaped yard as well.
  3. Posts and / or Fencing: Having the discussion with your Tree Removal Service, they can typically work with you on what is being cut and the lengths you would like them. Using those can be a benefit for posts, fencing or a type of blocking gate. There are many things you can create with the natural wood branches. Being creative and taking your time can help achieve a distinguished look.


Regardless of your project, repurposing the trees being cut, stumps being ground out or property clearing is a great money saver.  Reach out to your local Tree Removal company or local Contracted Tree Services  to help you get geared up for the new season to come.


Dunscombe and Sons Tree Services offers a large variety of services from Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Spring and Fall Cleans up, and more. Contact us today to speak with us to help you with your next project.

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